Progress Report #139 - January 2025
Hey lads!
It's the first devlog of 2025, and I hope you’re all doing well!
As always, I'll start with a little rant, then discuss the UiTC:R plans, and finally share the progress made in January. Here’s a link to the videos since I can’t normally upload them on every website where I'm posting:
As you know, I have two little kids, and they make my life... uh... very "interesting" :P Thanks to these two little angels, we couldn’t sleep at night from November through January, but about a week ago, things finally stabilized, and the kids are now sleeping through the whole night. Yay! However, as they get older, come up with dumb ideas, become more active, and crave more attention, it’s getting harder to work in peace, because I work from home. Fortunately, my family helps me from time to time, and hey, I finally get some sleep at night, so I still consider it a win ^^
I promised my wife that I wouldn't crunch anymore in 2025, but before I knew it, I was crunching again. I don't know - it kind of became a habit that whenever the end of the month approaches and there's something to release, content to show, or a devlog to write, I end up working until late at night without even thinking about it. But when you consider how much work there is to do, and that people are counting on you and waiting for your game, it’s simply impossible to just sit back and relax. So, despite trying to take it lightly, I'll probably still work a bit more than my family would like. Sigh...
In mid-January, my patrons received a very early test build of upcoming remaster - Unaware in The City: Revisited (UiTC:R), and so far, they’re happy with the game’s progress and direction - which makes me happy, too. Thank you all for the feedback!
Despite many game mechanics already being designed and added to the game (though still unused), there’s still a lot that needs adjusting, polishing, and syncing. December turned out to be a busy month for many reasons for everyone on the team, so our progress slowed down as a result. Additionally, my character artist, LustFire, lives in Los Angeles, and if you’re not living under a rock, you can probably guess that his productivity dropped significantly in January. He’s already back and working, though.
Since many aspects of the game are changing constantly, there are multiple glitches (for example, with character art) that we aren’t fixing right now because they’re likely to break again soon. Rest assured, these issues will be addressed once the game is closer to being fully playable. Some elements are currently untouchable because tweaking them would cause further issues elsewhere. I ask for your patience as we focus on delivering a well-crafted, polished game rather than rushing it out. For now, please treat this version as another tech demo showcasing progress rather than as a fully playable or enjoyable game.
What's more, please excuse the "mutants" and odd-looking characters. We created only two (very extreme) characters for testing and are mixing them randomly, which results in some bizarre outcomes. Additionally, the sliders are currently unrestricted, so NPCs can end up with extremely short or long limbs - leading to absurd visuals and broken animations. Naturally, these issues will be addressed and fixed later, but we need to test the extremes now to see how far we can go with character customization. While it might seem like a "lazy" approach to sneakpeak glitches and unfinished content, I just want to show you the progress we’ve made. I hate wasting time, especially as a solo dev on a huge project, so I’m not going to prepare a perfect-looking scene every single time I want to share a sneakpeak. It may look rough, but my main goal is to finish the game. Thank you for understanding.
That said, we aim to release a more polished and somewhat playable demo (probably) around March, barring any major issues. For February, during the first half of the month, I plan to release UiTC v43 on Patreon and SubscribeStar, and v42 on Steam and Then I'll finally launch the UiTC:R page on Steam, add Steam Deck compatibility to UiTC, and return to working on UiTC:R.
I also plan to add support for game translations for UiTC:R. If I’m successful, I’ll try to port it to UiTC, since both games use the same core dialogue tool. I still don't know whether I'll have to translate everything into other languages with each update or if it will be possible to crowdsource translations via Google Sheets and sync them with the project later, but I'll see once it actually becomes a feature.
About the upcoming UiTC:R project plans:
UiTC:R will feature a Progressive Difficulty system across various game elements. This doesn’t mean the game will become so hard over time that you’ll constantly hit a game over (though if Health or Mood drops to 0, it’s the end). Instead, the difficulty will evolve naturally. For example:
- The main quest (elections) will require Jane to work harder and harder over time for her favorite candidate to win.
- As Corruption increases, masturbation alone won’t be enough to satisfy her.
- Kevin will introduce more complex dishes to the menu, and depending on Jane’s actions, the restaurant will gain more fame, making it even harder to work there.
- Staying in her flat will become increasingly expensive, making it harder to afford. Meanwhile, Albert will keep coming up with new ways to get into her panties.
And before you come at me with pitchforks - there will be multiple ways to make the game easier, from backstories, traits, and skills to perks, items, buffs, and more. On top of that, there will be 5 difficulty settings (from Very Easy to Very Hard) that will impact various aspects of the game. It won’t just be a simple "gain more/less stats & skills" adjustment!
To better control sex events, pacing, and to prevent Jane from becoming a "slutty bimbo" too quickly, we will manage sex events through her Lust gauge. This gauge will lead to Aroused and Estrus states, and eventually to Climax when maxed out. Reaching Climax will apply a stacking debuff that reduces Lust gain, preventing Jane from experiencing successive Climaxes within a short time period. Naturally, this debuff will weaken as Jane's Corruption increases, and it can be modified by items and other effects. The concept is as follows: Jane, with 0 Corruption, won't be able to reach Climax multiple times in the same day, and random mini-events won't increase her Lust significantly. Previously, you needed a fixed amount of Lewdness to trigger an event, but with the new Skill Check system (explained in the previous devlog), every stat, skill, and effect contributes to meeting the appropriate requirements. This means that Jane with high Lust and low Corruption - or one with low Lust and high Corruption - could trigger the same sex scene, while a Jane with a slutty Backstory, maxed-out Corruption, and in the Estrus state won't be able to say "no" to many sex events. With that in mind, we are designing the events and gameplay flow accordingly. And yet again, you will have multiple ways to experience a very painful, slow-burn corruption, or to turn Jane into a total slut, if you wish.
I'm designing all the backstories, traits, skills, and perks so that their bonuses don’t feel redundant and each one remains unique. For example, you might have several backstories related to crime and breaking the law, but one could grant bonuses to stealing and lockpicking while another could enhance your ability to avoid getting caught. Even though both backstories promote a similar gameplay style, they still differ. Another example is the Disposition stat (how NPCs like you). Perks are straightforward and provide a flat bonus; if you need it, you can invest in multiple ranks (no hidden requirements). Traits, on the other hand, are a give-and-take: for instance, you might receive a bonus with females but a penalty with males, while a certain backstory could increase your standing with older NPCs. With a random build like that, Jane might be loved by grandmas from the start, lol. I want you to experiment with different builds, so while some will be stronger, some weaker and some not make much sense, the goal is to give you multiple ways to play rather than forcing you into one predetermined style. Found a good build synergy? Good for you!
When it comes to game overs, I really hate when a game (NSFW or SFW) rewards you for losing instead of winning. That’s why I’m not a fan of sex scenes after a game over screen, and you’ll never see that in UiTC:R. That said, I love rewarding and penalizing players based on their choices, failures, and successes (I grew up on hardcore RPGs). So, expect plenty of that. The core idea is to monitor your Health and Mood - avoid letting them drop to 0, and ideally, keep them at 100% for positive effects. However, this is still a porn game - I’m not trying to make Dark Souls or Darkest Dungeon. Failing a single mechanic won’t immediately trigger a game over, but if failures stack up - like ignoring desires, skipping showers, missing meals, sleeping on a park bench, triggering bad encounters, etc. - then sooner or later (especially on Very Hard), Health and Mood will drop too low, leading to a game over. There won’t be any random "BAM! -50% MOOD!" events, but failing the main quest or main goal will have severe consequences. This approach makes the game feel much more realistic and immersive, in my opinion. But if you hate challenging games or love hardcore survival ones - don’t worry, Very Easy & Very Hard difficulties exist just for these reasons.
Alright, now let's review the progress made in January:
Interaction Wheel - If an interactable object (e.g., NPC, shower, etc.) has more than one interaction option, the Interaction Wheel will be displayed. Currently, the idea is to include these 5 options:
Talk/Use: For NPCs, this will be "Talk", and for objects, it will be "Use". This is the default interaction that opens the dialogue window. It will also be the default action if clicked with the right mouse button, providing a QoL feature for faster interaction.
Inspect: Allows Jane to check an NPC's overall info and stats, such as libido, disposition, NPC type, background information and so on. This feature can be upgraded with perks and such to reveal more details, making it more logical for Jane to be able to access it. Will be useful for NPC hunting for particular stats for features like dating or seduction.
Trade: Some NPCs will allow Jane to trade with them. When possible, this option will appear and open a dedicated trade window instead of managing trades through the dialogue window as before. Lore-wise, The City is very taxed place, so buying at official shops is really expensive, thus people are willing to trade with each other and offer better prices, and rarely hard to get goods, and even sometimes are willing to offer good money for something they really need.
Seduce: Seduction will involve its own sex mini-game, where Jane selects effective options (e.g., showing or playing with her breasts) influenced by her & the NPC's stats. Depending on her performance, she could trigger a sex scene, significantly increase the NPC's Disposition or reduce it if she fails badly. Disposition serves as the primary stat indicating how NPCs feel about Jane, so improving it before interactions will be advantageous.
Steal: Stealing will feature a mini-game where Jane tries to pull a wallet out of the NPC's pocket. Success will reward her with money & experience, while failure will result in a reputation drop & potentially more severe consequences, depending on the NPC involved. It's just one of many ways to get some money which will be really important in The City which is known for being a harsh place. The City - it swallows you whole, they say.
P.S. Placeholder icons from old game assets were used.
I'm working on giving NPCs distinct personalities and stats to make them feel more realistic, which will impact events and gameplay overall. These will become even more significant during activities like prostitution or dating in the future.
If you choose to inspect an NPC, you’ll be able to view their ID Card in the middle of the screen. The left side will feature "flavor" text with minor gameplay impact, while the right side will display important information, such as stats. These ID Cards are generated when the NPC spawns, and their stats are influenced by the generated data. For example, age will affect factors like relationships, having kids, or libido, while certain jobs might increase stress levels etc. Of course, you might still encounter a 60-year-old man with high libido or a 20-year-old guy with three kids, but such cases will be rare. To access detailed information, Jane will first need to unlock specific abilities.
Tested with a limited dataset as a proof of concept .
Since many people found that the original UiTC involved too much clicking, I've added a faster alternative for many daily tasks - like taking a shower. In this example, you can start and finish a shower in just 3 clicks. Of course, the normal, longer method remains available. If you want to see a quick test of what taking a shower looks like after removing all narration and leaving only minimal monologue, check out the attached videos.
Here's a preview of the progress on the female & male character in a side view. If everything goes as planned, both characters, along with all their clothes & customization options, will be included in the February Demo of UiTC:R.
We’re working to improve the overall game quality, so all male underwear and pants will have two versions depending on whether the dick is visible or hidden. Additionally, we’ll be adding small details, such as the dick size affecting the pants’ bulge. There will be more such details included in the game. Short video included.
Since we're expanding The City significantly in the remastered version, here's a preview of Downtown, which will serve as a hub for even more locations, including:
- Night Club (Flatlined) – A place for drinking alcohol and dancing.
- Exclusive Restaurant (Higher Taste) – A high-end, expensive alternative to Kevin's Diner, catering to the rich and powerful.
- Public Bath House (Gehenna) – Yes, everyone's favorite mixed baths.
- Office Building (Sigma Offices) – A hub for all office-related activities.
- Living Quarters – The most luxurious version of the three NPC housing options (compared to Main Street and the Slums). Jane will have the opportunity to break in or interact with NPCs here. Her flat will still remain on Main Street.
- Library (Cain's Archives) – An alternative way to learn skills through books.
I don't need to mention that these locations will play a role in future events and quests, including more adult content. And we are working hard to plan and design everything in advance, so we have a clear concept and big-picture vision for the game we want to create.
I'll probably go with a Patreon & SubscribeStar poll soon to decide which one of these locations will be added first.
Lately, I've been working on the UI, and since we want to focus more on the diner for the February demo, I decided to revisit the Diner mini-game. Initially, I planned to create dozens of dishes that would be randomly selected based on game and order difficulties. However, after testing it, the approach felt rather dull and boring. So, I reworked the concept and rewrote the code.
About half a year ago, when I first attempted this mini-game while learning a new UI tool, I made several mistakes. Now, I’ve implemented an algorithm that generates orders from random ingredients, clients, difficulty etc., where the order in which the ingredients are added matters (e.g., sauce always goes first, cheese may need to be added either first or last, etc.). Jane’s performance will be evaluated based on the points she earns or loses - for instance, whether she completes the order much faster than expected or fails to finish it in time, whether she uses the correct amount of ingredients, or if she wastes too much food.
Happy clients will trigger specific client events, and if Kevin is pleased, that will lead to his own events. The points Jane earns will be converted into perk and skill points, which will, in turn, keep her happy. Additionally, weekends, random events, and client types will modify bonuses and penalties - for example, a patient client might give Jane more time to prepare a dish, while a wealthy client will tip her more generously.
The idea is that after finishing an order, Jane will approach the client’s table, and the client’s response and behavior will depend on both their type and how well Jane performed. The ensuing mini-event may be sexual or non-sexual, with its outcome reflecting the degree of her success or failure. We will measure multiple stats and events to trigger corresponding scenes. The goal is to make the diner a game within a game - an engaging experience that you’d enjoy replaying, as it’s one of the key locations and is intended to be Jane’s default or first job, even though more opportunities will come in the future.
If you’re not a fan of such mini-games, you’ll have the option to skip them entirely along with all associated events, or you can choose to skip just the cooking part while still interacting with the clients and their events. In either case, Jane will receive a random score based on her current stats, ensuring that game progress is maintained. If you find them too easy or too hard, they will also be affected by game difficulty settings (like almost everything else).
Of course, everything here is still an early work-in-progress and a subject to change, while the UI is mostly a placeholder - except for the ingredient art, which will likely remain unchanged. You can check a very short gameplay in the attached videos.
Aside from the Diner mini-game, I’ve also started working on stealing and lockpicking mini-games. However, I’m currently using rectangles quickly made in MS Paint for prototypes, so I’d better not show them just yet :P
I had to optimize everything because after about 20-30 clicks, I was experiencing serious lag. Ensuring that everything is synced and updated across all UIs and stats when any option is changed was, to put it mildly, "fun", especially since, as you probably know, doing UI is my favorite part of game development… not.
But at this point, all backstories, goals, quests, perks, skills, stats, and everything in character creation are connected with each other and synced with the database. Some elements are already scripted and affect the characters, are properly displayed in the UI, explained, and optimized so that the game runs smoothly even on Android. It was quite a challenge and took longer than I originally anticipated, because the devil is in the details. Of course, I'm referring to the core logic, as we’re still planning to work on the UI art and style properly in February. The database will continue to be filled in as development progresses since it's not something you can complete early on. Yeah, it's definitely not something that would get you all hyped for a porn game :P Nevertheless, it's a very important step. A short video is provided.
Another fantastic (and optional) feature we could add - thanks to talented LustFire and the Spine animation tool - is X-Ray. It's still in the very early stages of development, and we're currently brainstorming how to properly implement it with all 3 character angle views, full character customization, and all sex animations, but we will get there. We believe everyone will appreciate seeing it directly on the body rather than as part of a UI element in the corner of the screen.
As you know, this isn't one of those Patreon games where you don't see any sex for the first few years of development - you’ll still get to see sex very early on. Although we plan to expand and deepen NPC stories (so getting Ben or Rick to have sex will take much longer in UiTC:R), nothing will prevent Jane from using a Glory Hole in her very first days if her stats allow it, especially with sex-related backstories. Ultimate freedom is my aim, after all.
Thank you for reading, and see you next time!
Get Unaware in The City
Unaware in The City
2D Open World RPG Adult Game - Unaware in The City
Status | In development |
Author | Mr. Unaware Studios |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | 2D, Adult, Erotic, Indie, Modern, Sandbox, Side Scroller |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Color-blind friendly, Subtitles |
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